NATURAQUA Environmental Planning and Service Ltd. implemented the project “Establishing and Developing a Climate Change Strategy for Montenegro” under the Green Financing System managed by the former Hungarian Ministry of National Development (NFM), Climate Policy Department.
The part of the project done by MBFSZ NAKFO, commissioned by NATURAQUA Ltd. laid down the foundation for a geo-information system similar to NAGiS to be developed in Montenegro. The recommended system may be suitable for analyzing territorial differences of vulnerability in the South-European country.
The project was implemented between November 2017 and the end of May 2018. Its most important elements were:
- Identification of databases and methods
- Assessment of Hungarian and international best practices of analysing the effects of climate change by geo-information systems
- Assessment of best practices of web-based climate change decision support systems
- Identification of necessary expertise for setting up an analysing and evaluating system for climate policy
- Identification of relevant information available in Montenegrin and international databases (information necessary for emission and adaptation analyses)
- Identification of necessary expertise (geo-information, IT system planning, climate modelling, spatial planning and analysis, natural resource management, geoscience competences)
- Consultation on available capacities (meetings of Montenegrin and Hungarian experts)
- Recommendation package on the methods to use
- Identifying, defining themes (data layer groups), sectors to be investigated, assessment of the present situation (tourism, health risks of heat waves, vulnerability of drinking water resources, natural environment)
- Recommendation on methodological tools to be used for the adaptation spatial analyses
- Assessment of the elaboration process of the decision support module for policy planning
National Adaptation Center Department
Head of department: Dr. Tamás Gábor Czira
E-mail: czira.tamas@mbfsz.gov.hu
Address: H-1143 Budapest, Stefánia út 14.
Phone: +36 1 920-2343
Source of cover image: Pixabay