Gravimetric Comparative Base Point Measurements

Gravity measurements

High-precision gravimetric comparative measurements of base points installed for geophysical, geodetical, metrological and further purposes.

During the high-precision gravimetric measurements we define the g values of base points (basic network point, base point, metrological point etc.) by comparative measurements using 2 or 3 national gravimetric base network points and 2 LCR gravity meters. Adjustment is carried out based on the reference level of the National Gravity Base Network (MGH-2013).

Instrument: LaCoste&Romberg (LCR) model G gravity meters

–  gravimetric measurements of metrological points
–  defining g value of geodetic network base points
–  defining g value of geophysical base points or basic network points

Product: g value (gravity of Earth) based on MGH-2013 reference level (± 0.01 mGal measurement precision)

–  Metrological base points: MVM Paksi Atomerőmű Zrt. Méréstechnikai Labor
–  Integrated Geodetic Network Base points: Terra-Geodézia Bt., Pécsi Geodéziai és Térképészeti Kft.


Department of Research and Observatories ("Mátyáshegy" Gravity and Geodynamic Observatory)
Márta KIS, Ph.D.
Address: 1145 Budapest, Columbus u. 17-23.
Phone: +36 30 962-7990


Gravity and microgravity measurements
Gravity and microgravity measurements