Spatial and sectoral climate change vulnerability assessments

We can assess climate change vulnerability of economic sectors and various territorial units (municipalities, small regions, counties, other territorial units).

We assess climate change exposure, sensitivity, expected impacts, adaptability and vulnerability, based on the internationally accepted CIVAS model. The assessments are made using the methodological framework for vulnerability analyses of Hungarian local governments developed by our department, and the database of the National Adaptation Geo-information System (NAGiS). Recommendations can be made on the steps of adaptation, based on the results of the assessments.




National Adaptation Center Department

Head of department: Dr. Tamás Gábor Czira


Address: H-1143 Budapest, Stefánia út 14.

Phone: +36 1 920-2343


Source of pictures: Pixabay, NAGiS




Egy térképi réteg a NATéR-ból
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